NUST NET Applied Biological Sciences Solved Papers by Dogar Brothers is available for instant delivery. Prepare for your NET series exam for getting admission in NUST Applied Biological Sciences with this high scoring book that contains latest past papers and explained answers. Order your copy now!
Salient Features:
- 5 Practice Solved Papers
- Explained Answers
What is the Test Pattern for NET Applied Bio Sciences?
There are four sections in NET for Biological Sciences, consisting of:
- Biology 40%
- Physics 30%
- Chemistry 15%
- English 10%
- Intelligence 5%
How to Prepare for your NET with this book?
In order to prepare well for your NUST NET, first complete the syllabus revision as recommended on their website.Once you are done with revision, use your NET Biological Sciences Past Paper guide for practice. After solving these papers, you can revisit the questions you attempted incorrectly, in order to learn from the explanations provided. This will help you in improving your NET score significantly.